Thursday, November 24, 2011

THOUGHT FOR FOOD - Thanksgiving Day Thoughts

Well, here it is....T day.
Foodies everywhere have been practically living in kitchens, preparing their stellar dishes and filling the air with wonder!  The holiday season is upon us, actually the winter holiday season...if you consider there are many "cluster celebrations" throughout the year.  Including solstices and equinoxes, various religious, national and local holidays as well as family celebrations, we're a partying kinda crowd!

I am going to be back-loading a few blog entries, which include the apple lattice pie and various bread explorations that took place on the days leading up to today.  Time is one of those things that gets hard to juggle.

The cooking took place on the dates that are claimed on the were taken at the time, too.  It's just that there wasn't much left of me by the end of the day, once the kitchen was cleaned up.

For today....the recipe is simple. 

We as a people, regardless of race, color, creed, sex or sexual preference, age or other declarative, need to remember that we are all part of this universe.....all part of that which makes each of us meaningful, individually and collectively.

We are all related.
But being related doesn't mean some get to take others for granted or that each, to their ability, can and should contribute something to their society. Most of us do.

Even those who seem to be "unemployed" or "homeless."  Most are trying to eek out a living, be it begging, busking or day labor.

Even those who seem derelict were made by that same Commonality that made us all.

So as we sit down to our meals, from that sandwich under the railroad trestle to that opulent nine course Thanksgiving Belly Buster, let's pause to be mindful and grateful for our blessings....which includes one another and all of life- all our Relations.

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