Last project, Fifty Five Is The New...completed upon my fifty-sixth birthday on April 14, 2011 after a bit over a year of entries. It included memories, thoughts, prayers, hopes, dreams, artwork, music and videos and became for me more than blogging; it was an adventure in self-discovery.
With this blog I'm incorporating two of my passions on one plate, so to speak. I've been an absolute Cooking Enthusiast since knee high to a butcher block, and for years harbored a not-too-secret desire for a certified culinary education.
This "education" included not only Public Television, the Food Network and the many culinary themed t.v. shows, but remembering the many things taught me by my Mother, Aunt, Sister and Mrs. Schlosser, my home economics teacher.
Cordon Blu was my dream, but a severe lack of math skills and other things set my path on a different course...however food seemed to be part of that path....So I always took the opportunity to explore new flavors, try new recipes, cook with others.
Places like Original Joe's of San Francisco were the bees' knees to me because they had seats at the counter where I could watch the action in the kitchen. I learned to recognize a few things...the Expediter, the Head Chef, Sou Chef and what each did....fascinating, maddening.....magical. I watched, hypnotized, as the just flamed garlic and wine sauce was drizzled over the fresh pasta, then finished with a sprinkle of cheese, cracked pepper and basil sprig.
To think of it now still makes my heart skip a beat.
With that sensation in mind, I christen this blog Cooking and Life. Feel free to enjoy, share your recipes and stories. Dig In!